In lieu of the pending snow, I thought it would be fun to show you an icy trend for the upcoming season. These obviously are faux, from Forever 21. As with most the trends we show you, this can add oomph to a dressy or casual fit.
Spotlight: Job 38: 29 says, "From whose womb comes the ice? Who gives birth to the frost from the heavens?" The first thing I noticed from this verse, is that the frost is from the heavens. When I see dew or frost in the morning, my first thought isn't always that it's from God. The more time you spend with God in prayer, and in the Word, the more natural these thoughts become- that when you see something beautiful such as frost, you automatically think it's from God! Spend time with God this week, and see what beauties he opens your eyes to!
Love the verse & the title of this post. It made me smile!